Tru Leather. Brings Florence Quality Leather To Australia
Dreams only work if you do. Understanding the truth behind this notion, four motivated Australian travelers dreamed to work and bring Florence to Australia. The passion for this started with falling in love with Florence’s leather goods. Next, the friends put in the work and created their own Australian based online leather goods store – tru leather.
Tru leather. offers male leather goods including bags, wallets, backpacks, briefcases, messenger bags and travel bags. Being travelers themselves, the Australian owners understood how important it is to have quality leather goods while traveling or living daily routines. But they also understood the importance of budgeting and spending money on affordable items. So the guys ensured customers both – quality and affordability. Customers will receive 100% genuine cowhide leather at a great price and the guys spread Florence-quality leather goods throughout Australia. It’s a win-win!
Check out the entire collection at
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