

How to Contact Celebrities

It can be really difficult to get in touch with someone you really admire, someone who has millions of followers. Just remember that every cloud has a silver lining. You can contact any celebrity provided you have a solid reason that can justify your pursuit. Why would a famous person spare a [Read More...]

March 4, 2018

Who Is Jennifer Lawrence and How Did She Make Her Money?

Jennifer Lawrence whose full name is Jennifer Shrader Lawrence is a talented actress who is often addressed as “JLaw” or “Jen.” Of course, when fans adore a celeb they are bound to come up with cute nicknames! At quite a young age, Jennifer Lawrence made her mark in the field of [Read More...]

February 24, 2018

Prince and Emia B Official Interview

Vh1 Lhhmiami cast member ‘Prince’ sat down at M&E’s Miami studio location and talked with Emia B about a variety of things, including how a simple dm turned into him being a cast member of the love and hip hop franchise! Watch the full interview below [Read More...]

January 31, 2018

Celeste Buckingham – Go Away

Talented artist conquers the heart of the audience with an exciting blend of pop, soul, dance and R&B. Celeste Buckingham is a singer-songwriter and pop talent hailing from Switzerland but based in the United States.  Her much anticipated new single “Go Away” has just been released to rave [Read More...]

January 15, 2018

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